Thursday 28 January 2016

Dry February ze 2nd....

Almost twelve months ago I embarked upon a particular challenge to test myself.  That challenge was to navigate through the year's shortest month without consuming any alcohol!

Well, I am ready to kind of do the same thing again.  There will be a twist this time, as I may relent on Sunday 28th February.  This is when Liverpool take on Manchester City in the Football's League Cup Final.

Going forward, as Dry February gets embedded as a permanent part of my personal calendar, I am open minded about accomodating the odd unique occasion like a League Cup Final appearance for the Reds or some special birthday to make the odd exception.

When I look back to last year, I can't say Dry February made a huge difference to my weight, not that I am fat anyway!

I do exercise regularly by walking and I jog a couple of times a week.  However, I do still get the odd disapproving noise from people close to me with regards weight!

If I am honest, I probably could lose some weight.  So for this year, I am adding yet another twist to add to the League Cup Final possibility- No Chocolate as well!

Saturday 16 January 2016

West Kirby on a January Saturday afternoon....

As a non-league football fan I found myself today at a bit of a loose end following the postponement of a few local matches that I found appealing.

With quite a few Saturdays like this lately in view of recent bad weather, I was  motivated to make something of this particular Saturday.

So, it was very much a walk around West Kirby's Marine Lake that came calling.  This very therapeutic walk takes in some marvellous views across the Dee Estuary, towards Hilbre Island (which I once walked across to in low tide as a 14 year old boy) and North Wales.  

Here is a selection.